How we make impact
Workskills has a long history of community support both through the delivery of our core employment programs and through direct community investment. We provide sponsorship to various organisations that work with people to enhance social and employment outcomes.
Our Vision is “Enabling positive change in Tasmanian communities through work, skills and cooperation.”
Learn more about our impact by reading our good news stories or visiting our Troublesmiths site.

Troublesmiths is a youth social enterprise powered by positivity and hard work. Our team is made up of 15-24 year olds who are at risk of long-term unemployment; but who have taken their futures into their own hands and volunteered to work with us in exchange for skill development, support, and good vibes!
Like most people, everyone who works at Troublesmiths has run into some sort of ‘trouble’, barrier or challenge in life. Maybe they have low literacy or numeracy. Perhaps they have experienced unplanned parenthood. Some may have mental health challenges. And it’s likely they may be having trouble accessing support to get a driver’s license or a car.
Like any craft or small business, the journey of a Troublesmith is about creative thinking, problem solving, tenacity and self-belief. That’s why ‘Smith’ is a good analogy – it brings to mind a masterful worker who takes pride in what they do. A ‘Smith’ takes something (like Trouble), and makes something beautiful and valuable out of it.
We work with the community organisations to develop activities that increase participants’ employability, build on strengths, and increase social inclusion. Workskills links participants with vocational and social support activities: