Belinda Gets Back to Aged Care After Career Transition Assistance Program

Career Transition

We would love to congratulate Belinda on her return to the aged care industry. She has secured a Care assistant role at Corumbene Care, a position she is passionate about. This is a crucial milestone in her career, and we are thrilled for her.

Belinda had faced a number of challenges in applying for jobs before she came to us to find out where she was going wrong. Eliza, her Employment Coach, was hands-on in helping her fix the resume, suggesting that she pick up the phone and call employers to request feedback on the applications and assisting her in applying the feedback where necessary. Belinda has a few years of experience in the care industry and an educational background in individual support.

Eliza placed her in National Joblink’s Career Transition Assistance program since she struggled with confidence and found navigating the job search process challenging. That little nudge has enhanced Belinda’s confidence and employability skills, as you can now see.

Our commitment to Belinda’s success doesn’t end here. We continue working with her to ensure she maintains a sustainable employment status. This may involve overcoming transportation barriers and a few other limitations. We believe in Belinda’s potential and are dedicated to supporting her in every step of her journey. 

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