Lyndon Making this Year Count With Transition to Work

Transition to Work

Lyndon is kicking goals, just as he promised himself at the start of the year. His journey in the Transition to Work program was not without its challenges, but his intent to make this year count brought many changes.

When Lyndon shared his New Year’s resolution with his Youth Coach, Blair, he quickly pulled some connections to assist Lyndon in acquiring his learner’s license, a long-standing goal. Blair’s proactive support was a powerful motivator, demonstrating the program’s benefits in real time. It helped keep Lyndon more engaged.

That’s what makes TtW program so special for young people. Coaches can offer a friendly ear in your lows and uplift you during your determined phases.

Despite setbacks, like misplacing his phone and struggling to stay in contact with his coach and potential employers, Lyndon worked through it. Blair discussed switching to letters to stay in touch and helped Lyndon attend important meetings, like with our Employer Services Officer (ESO) Akshay. These sessions highlighted Lyndon’s love for cars and the automotive industry, leading to a definitive opportunity.

Akshay connected Lyndon to Sid, the owner of Moonah Auto Repairs. After one successful trial day, Lyndon was offered a job as a Spray Painter and Panel Beater. Sid, too, had only positive things to say about the whole experience, and he hopes to support more skilled young people like Lyndon in the future.

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