Melinda is now thriving through relocation assistance

Melinda has successfully relocated to the mainland to fulfil her dream of becoming an Apprentice Baker – thanks to the fantastic collaboration between her Workforce Australia Services Coach, Trevor, and Employer Services Officer, Avril.

Melinda is already qualified with a Certificate II in Commercial Cookery and has had previous experience working in a commercial Kitchen. When she was connected with Avril by her Coach, Avril worked with Melinda to identify suitable opportunities within the industry as she was eager to commence employment as soon as possible. In one of their conversations, Melinda mentioned an interstate opportunity at a Banjos location, and Avril confirmed her eligibility for relocation assistance, making this dream a reality.

Melinda is now thriving as a full-time Apprentice Baker at a Banjos location on the mainland.

Congratulations, Melinda! We appreciate your determination and incredible efforts and wish you all the best!

#workforceaustralia  #tasmania  #successstories  #employmentservices

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