Deborah and her Coach Maggie Makes a Dream Team

National Careers Week Australia

Celebrating National Careers Week Australia, we are thrilled to share Deborah’s journey to sustainable employment. She has shown great spirit in sustaining employment for six-months in her position at Corumbene —a success achieved through the dedicated support we offer at Workskills Tasmania through Workforce Australia for Individuals.

Deborah was extremely eager to gain employment. Her proactive attitude made the process much more exciting for her Employment Coach, Maggie. Deborah dropped off her resume to numerous employers and consistently communicated with Maggie, who guided her job search efforts. However, Deborah had many unsuccessful attempts to gain employment, but undeterred, Deborah and Maggie worked as a team to persuade employers of Deborah’s enthusiasm and excellent work ethic.

Deborah’s journey took an interesting turn when she dropped off her resume for a role at Corumbene Care, which she was confident she had the skills for. However, as she waited to hear she began to have self-doubt. To assist, Maggie made contact the employer to inquire about opportunities for Deborah.

Corumbene Care responded immediately, offering great feedback and reassurance to Deborah that her profile was a great fit. They encouraged her to reapply for a different role, and she went on to secure the position.

Deborah’s journey to employment stresses the importance of a supportive coach, as we all face our share of challenges and need support.  At Workskills Tasmania we believe that there are employment opportunities for everyone, and with great support and assistance everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

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